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Table 1 Means and SDs of the nurse’s attitudes regarding expanding nurses’ authority in three domains: 1. Areas of expanding 2. Quality improvement 3. Importance of expending

From: Attitudes toward expanding nurses’ authority


Mean (SD)

1. Areas of expansion


Medical history/ physical assessment

4.1 (1.5)

Prescription privileges

4.1 (1.5)

Treatment decisions

4.7 (3.1)

Referrals to lab tests and their interpretation

4.3 (1.4)

Referrals to diagnostic tests

3.8 (1.5)

Diagnosis in selected situations

3.6 (1.5)

2. Quality improvement


Improvement health outcome

4.1 (1.1)

Greater cost-effectiveness

4.2 (1.4)

Increase of patient satisfaction

4.5 (1.2)

3. Importance of expanding

4.8 (1.2)

  1. Note: the attitudes are measured on a 5-point scale.