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Table 1 Main studies estimating the economic burden of SES-related health inequality

From: The economic burden of health disparities related to socioeconomic status in Israel

Country (Year of estimation)

Socioeconomic index

Counterfactual scenario (more equal outcome)

Components of inequality-related economic burden: cost per year


Mortality and disabilities

Lost days of work

Excess medical care

[7] UK (2010)


The health level is made equal to that in neighborhoods with above the median income

Loss of 1.3 years of life per person: £2.2 billion loss of 2.5–3.8 disability-free years per person.

£31 billion

£5.5 billion

2.2% of GDP

[8] EU—25 countries (2004)


The health level is made equal to that of the population half with higher schooling

Those dying lose 16 years of life on average: €700 billion. Lost years of life in good health: €280 billion

€141 billion

€177 billion (20% of total healthcare expenditure, 1.7% of GDP)

13% of GDP

[9] U.S. (2003–2006)

Race / ethnic origin

The health level is made equal to that of the healthiest ethnic group

Lost years of life: $239 billion

$13 billion

$57 billion

2% of GDP