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Table 2 Examined health outcomes and estimated costs

From: The economic burden of health disparities related to socioeconomic status in Israel

Health outcome

Definition of the low-SES group

The estimated cost

Prices used for monetization

Data sources

  1. Mortality

Localities with a submedian socioeconomic index

1a. Product loss due to premature death of workers and deaths before the working age

Workers’ wages

CBS socio-health profile of localities for 2005–2009; CBS profile of municipal authorities for 2009 and for 2010


1b. Welfare loss due to excess mortality

The value of statistical life: The value used by the Ministry of Transport, or 3 times GDP


  2. Morbidity

Individuals with a submedian net household income per standard person

2a. Product loss due to illness-related absence from work

Labor wages of submedian workers (absentees or non-absentees)

CBS social surveys (2010, 2012)


Individuals with secondary schooling or less

2b. Product loss due to higher rates of non- employment due to illness

Labor wages of workers with secondary schooling or less


  3. Medical care

Localities with a submedian socioeconomic index

3a. Excess inpatient care (measured by excess hospital discharges)

MoH price per inpatient day X average length of hospitalization

MoH data on hospital discharges rates; MoH price schedule (2014)


Individuals with a submedian net household income per standard person

3b. Savings on community care (due to underuse of services)

MoH service prices

CBS’s matched Health Survey (2009) and Income Survey (2010); MoH price schedule (2014)

  4. Disability

Localities with a submedian socioeconomic index

4a. Excess government’s expenditure on disability benefits

Rates of disability benefits

NII data on disability benefit payments


Individuals with submedian labor income

4b. Excess cost of the government’s income tax exemption for to the disabled and the blind

Workers’ tax exemption

The Israel Tax Authority’s sample of employees

  5. Old-age survival

Localities with a submedian socioeconomic index

Government’s savings on old-age benefits (due to premature mortality)

Rates of old-age benefits

NII data on old-age and survivors’ benefits

  6. Other

Cost of MoH programs to narrow SES-related health inequalities


MoH data

  1. Abbreviations: GDP Gross Domestic Product, CBS The Central Bureau of Statistics, MoH The Ministry of Health, NII The National Insurance Institute