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Table 1 Development of a Program to Provide HIV Care to Undocumented Migrants in Israel, 2001-present

From: Ensuring HIV care to undocumented migrants in Israel: a public-private partnership case study


Initial Attempts (2001–2011)

Preparation (2012–2013)

Implementation (2014–2015)

Government Program (2016-Present)

Government Offices



MoH General Director


MoH General Director

Pharmaceutical Division


Non-Governmental Organizations


IATF; PHRI; Israeli HIV Medical Society

IATF; PHRI; Israeli HIV Medical Society


International Organizations

TGF (refused)

UNHCR (refused)


Health Services


TB, STI, and HIV Clinics

Clalit Medical Organization

Hadassah Medical Center


Private Companies


Pharmaceutical Companies/Suppliers

Tel Aviv Pharmacy



Succeeded in extending care to pregnant women without health insurance. TGF concluded it wasn’t possible to provide ART at a discounted rate for migrants from countries that receive discounts

A change in leadership at the MoH created inter-office interests in extending HIV care. Partnerships in multiple sectors were developed. UNHCR concluded in wasn’t possible to negotiate discounted prices for ART.

Partners from multiple sectors came together to insure the feasibility of extending HIV care to undocumented migrants. Bi-annual meetings were held to insure clear communication between stakeholders

The program was fully absorbed as a government program. Services provided to undocumented migrants are now part of standard practice.

  1. ART Antiretroviral treatment, DTA Department of Tuberculosis and AIDS, HIV Human immunodeficiency virus, IATF Israel AIDS Task Force, MoH Ministry of Health, PHRI Physicians for Human Rights Israel, STI Sexually Transmitted Infection, TB Tuberculosis, TGF The Global Fund, UNHCR United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees