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Table 1 About the dead sea conference

From: Adapting the Israeli national health insurance law to the 21st century– a report from the 19th Dead Sea Conference

The Dead Sea Conference has been held annually since the year 2000. The conference is organized by the National Institute of Health Policy Research, a statutory non-profit organization devoted to the promotion of health policy research in Israel (and also the publisher of this journal). The conference is designed as a workshop, bringing together over one hundred leaders and key stakeholders from the entire Israeli healthcare ecosystem, including the Ministry of Health, national Sick Funds, government hospitals, academic institutions, and more. The conference serves as a platform where these experts can shed their institutional obligations and freely discuss prominent issues on the healthcare system’s agenda. The conference is the climax of several months of diligent preparation by a multidisciplinary organizing committee, based on the specific theme selected for that year’s event. Previous conventions have addressed issues related to the structure of the healthcare system, such as hospital incorporation, private health services, and more, as well as aspects related to administration of medical care such as medical malpractice, technology in medicine, and quality metrics, to name only a few of the many topics discussed. The conference’s content and recommendations are discussed in detail and distributed in an official publication by the National Institute of Health Policy Research (in Hebrew). While the recommendations have no binding status, they are often used by different government and academic institutions in Israel and serve as the foundation for legislation and reform efforts within the Israeli healthcare system.