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Table 3 Anxiety Measures

From: Multinational dietary changes and anxiety during the coronavirus pandemic-findings from Israel


Population Value

GAD-7 score (median (interquartile range))a

 Feeling nervous, anxious or on edge

1 (1)

 Not being able to stop or control worrying

0 (1)

 Worrying too much about different things

1 (1)

 Trouble relaxing

0 (1)

 Being so restless that it is hard to sit still

0 (1)

 Becoming easily annoyed or irritable

1 (1)

 Feeling afraid as if something terrible might happen

0 (1)

Total GAD-7 Score (median (interquartile range))

4 (6)

How isolated do you feel in general?b

(median (interquartile range)

2 (3)

How isolated do you feel in the current situation (during the pandemic)?b

(median (interquartile range)

3 (5)

In general, if you needed to borrow $20, or a ride to the doctor’s office, or any other urgent assistance, to how many people could you turn?c

(median (interquartile range)

5 (1)

In the current situation, if you needed to borrow $20, or a ride to the doctor’s office, or any other urgent assistance, to how many people could you turn?c

(median (interquartile range)

5 (2)

  1. aThe GAD-7 scale asks the respondent to refers to the 2 weeks prior to the survey. Each item on the scale can receive is scored as follows: 0 (not at all), 1 (several days), 2 (more than half of the days) 3 (nearly every day); thus, the total score can receive a value from 0 to 21, where a higher score indicates greater anxiety
  2. bThe question about isolation requested the participant to respond on a 10-point Likert scale where 1 = very little and 10-very much
  3. cThe question requested the participant to respond on a 7 point Likert scale where 0 = no one and 6 = more than 5 people