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Table 6 Capacities and strategies that facilitated vaccine uptake

From: Addressing vaccine hesitancy and access barriers to achieve persistent progress in Israel’s COVID-19 vaccination program

A. Capacities and strategies that were also vital to procurement and distribution

1. Israel’s experience in, and infrastructure for, planning and implementing prompt responses to large-scale national emergencies

2. The tradition of effective cooperation between government, health plans, hospitals, and emergency care providers – particularly during national emergencies – and the frameworks for facilitating that cooperation

3. The organizational, IT and logistic capacities of Israel’s community-based healthcare providers

4. The existence of well-functioning frameworks for making decisions about vaccinations and support tools for assisting in the implementation of vaccination campaigns

B. Additional capacities and strategies that were not vital to procurement and distribution

5. An ability to track vaccination uptake by age, population group, and locality

6. A willingness to adopt new vaccine distribution mechanisms and partners

7. Well-tailored outreach efforts to encourage the population to sign up for vaccinations

8. A willingness and capacity to address head-on the unique needs of cultural minorities

9. A capacity for mounting effective information campaigns

10. The judicious use of incentives

11. Patience and perseverance