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Table 2 Families' changes to the home and barriers they reported in implementing safety guidance (n = 98)

From: Keeping our children safe: piloting a hospital-based home-visitation program in Israel


No. of recommendations implemented

Parents’ comments regarding barriers to implementationb

1st visit

2nd visit

p valuec


Anti-slamming devices installed on the doors

3 (3.1%)

62 (63.3%)

p = 0.000

Device perceived as low quality

Useless because the doors are always open

Not perceived as a danger

Cabinets and bookcases fixed to the wall

28 (29.8%)

59 (62.1%)

p = 0.000

Time needed to make change

Cannot fix alone- waiting for husband/ professional

Not practical/possible

Not perceived as a danger

Stair rails without bars or elements that allow climbing

18 (81.8%)

20 (100%)

p = 0.10

Too expensive

Furniture far from balcony railing

29 (74.4%)

31 (91.2%)

p = 0.06


Porch rail without bars or elements that allow climbing

33 (84.6%)

34 (97.1%)

p = 0.11


Gates at both ends of the stairs

4 (23.5%)

6 (40%)

p = 0.45

Too expensive

Not practical/possible

Windows barred or have devices that limit opening

27 (48.2%)

32 (58.2%)

p = 0.29

Rental residence change

Too expensive

Time needed to make change

Rail surrounds the entire porch

37 (94.9%)

34 (97.1%)

p = 1.00

Too expensive

Safety rail on the child's bed

67 (98.5%)

66 (97.1%)

p = 1.00


Rails down the length of staircases

22 (88%)

20 (90.9%)

p = 1.00

Too expensive

Burns and scalds

Smoke detector installed

22 (22.4%)

69 (70.4%)

p = 0.000

Rental residence

Moving to new apartment soon and plan to install there

Device perceived as low quality

Not perceived as a danger

Kettle or electric water pot close to the wall and out of child's reach

81 (88%)

90 (98.9%)

p = 0.003


Hot drinks served out of child's reach

80 (83.3%)

92 (94.8%)

p = 0.01


Flammable materials kept high or locked

11 (55%)

15 (75%)

p = 0.18


Cooking on gas burners at a distance from children

68 (70.1%)

78 (81.3%)

p = 0.07

Not practical/possible

Hard and uncomfortable to cook only on far burners

The burners for regular cooking are in front

Hot pots kept out of reach during cooking and mealtimes,

87 (88.8%)

92 (93.9%)

p = 0.20

Lack of out of reach areas due to small residence


Electrical wires and sockets intact

89 (90.8%)

94 (95.9%)

p = 0.15

Cannot fix alone-waiting for husband/professional

Safety circuit breaker at home

97 (99%)

98 (100%)

p = 1.0



Detergents kept in high or locked storage areas

48 (49%)

80 (81.6%)

p = 0.000

Lack of high storage area


Not perceived as a danger

Pesticides kept in high or locked storage

53 (72.6%)

76 (96.2%)

p = 0.000


Detergents and pesticides stored in their original packaging

95 (96.9%)

98 (100%)

p = 0.24


Medicines and vitamins kept high or locked storage

88 (90.7%)

91 (92.9%)

p = 0.58

Not perceived as a danger


"I know it is dangerous but need it accessible and cannot put it away"


Paddling /plastic pools drained after use; large pools covered and fenced

60 (95.2%)

69 (100%)

p = 0.10

Not practical/possible

Tubs or bathtubs emptied after use

84 (97.7%)

83 (96.5%)

p = 1.0



No playing with balloons/ plastic bags

49 (53.3%)

68 (73.9%)

p = 0.004


Adult supervision while children eat

76 (88.4%)

80 (92%)

p = 0.42

Not practical/possible

Not perceived as a danger

"I know it is not safe, but it is not practical to supervise every time they eat"

"I trust the kid's instincts not to choke"

Car injury

Yard fence that separates parking area and children's play area

32 (72.7%)

36 (78.3%)

p = 0.54

Cannot fix alone- waiting for husband/ professional

Rental residence

Too expensive

  1. aSignificant differences between first and second visit indicated in bold
  2. bAll items regarding guard rails on the roof were excluded as irrelevant to this population
  3. cData was collected and analyzed through parent's telephone interviews, using Chi-squared test