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Table 3 Experiences of weight stigma in healthcare settings and weight bias internalization (WBI) scores

From: Weight stigma in healthcare settings: the experience of Arab and Jewish bariatric surgery candidates in Israel


Arabs N = 61

Jews N = 56

P value

In the last 12 months, did you ever feel that a doctor judged you because of your weight?

50.0%, n = 30

55.4%, n = 31


Has your weight been a barrier to getting appropriate health care?

75.4%, n = 46

75.0%, n = 42


Please select any of the following that you have personally experienced in your health care

1. Being treated disrespectfully by health care providers (e.g., doctors, nurses) because of your weight,

11.5%, n = 7

14.3%, n = 8


2. Feeling embarrassed or ashamed about being weighed at the doctor’s office

54.1%, n = 33

42.9%, n = 24


3. Negative attitudes or remarks of health care providers (e.g., doctors, nurses) about your weight

13.1%, n = 8

19.6%, n = 11


4. having a doctor recommend a diet, even if you did not come in to discuss weight loss

50.8%, n = 31

66.1%, n = 37


5. Not being able to find medical equipment (e.g. blood pressure cuffs, patient gowns) in a size that works for you or fits you properly

9.8%, n = 6

10.7%, n = 6


6. having a doctor tell you to lose weight, but not providing you with weight loss treatment options or advice on how to get help for weight loss

19.7%, n = 12

23.2%, n = 13


7. A doctor blaming unrelated physical problems on your weight

22.9%, n = 14

37.5%, n = 21


Sum of 9 experiences

(Mean ± SD, range: 0–9)

2.5 ± 2

3.0 ± 2.1


WBI – mean score

4.5 ± 1.3

4.1 ± 1.5
