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  1. Many in-patients require care from practitioners in various disciplines. Consultations most probably have significant implications for hospitalization outcomes.

    Authors: Amir Jarjou’i, Joseph Mendlovic, Ziv Dadon, Marwan Abu Sneineh, Meir Tabi, George Kalak, Yousef R. Jarallah, Amos M. Yinnon and Gabriel Munter
    Citation: Israel Journal of Health Policy Research 2021 10:19
  2. We examined health behaviors and perceptions among medical students and compared them with the results of a previous survey among residents and senior physicians.

    Authors: Rachel Wilf-Miron, Ilya Kagan and Mor Saban
    Citation: Israel Journal of Health Policy Research 2021 10:13

    The Commentary to this article has been published in Israel Journal of Health Policy Research 2022 11:10

  3. An amendment to this paper has been published and can be accessed via the original article.

    Authors: Gal Schtrechman-Levi, Alexander Ioscovich, Jacob Hart, Jacob Bar, Ronit Calderon-Margalit, Eshel A. Nir and Yehuda Ginosar
    Citation: Israel Journal of Health Policy Research 2021 10:30

    The original article was published in Israel Journal of Health Policy Research 2021 10:24

  4. Falls and fear of falling are a major problem for older people and a leading cause of functional decline and institutionalization. There is limited data on the prevalence of falls in a 12-month period among Is...

    Authors: Dvora Frankenthal, Mor Saban, Dolev Karolinsky, Miri Lutski, Shelley Sternberg, Iris Rasooly, Irit Laxer and Inbar Zucker
    Citation: Israel Journal of Health Policy Research 2021 10:29
  5. Increased anxiety was frequently reported during the 2020 global COVID-19 pandemic. An association between anxiety and increased body weight has been documented. Identifying associations between diet quality a...

    Authors: Vered Kaufman-Shriqui, Daniela Abigail Navarro, Olga Raz and Mona Boaz
    Citation: Israel Journal of Health Policy Research 2021 10:28
  6. Suicide rates among Ethiopian immigrants to Israel (EI) are relatively high. This study sought to identify suicide-risk factors in this population in order to suggest some potentially preventive measures to me...

    Authors: Rafael Youngmann, Nelly Zilber, Ziona Haklai and Nehama Goldberger
    Citation: Israel Journal of Health Policy Research 2021 10:27
  7. Vaccines for COVID-19 are currently available for the public in Israel. The compliance with vaccination has differed between sectors in Israel and the uptake has been substantially lower in the Arab compared w...

    Authors: Manfred S. Green, Rania Abdullah, Shiraz Vered and Dorit Nitzan
    Citation: Israel Journal of Health Policy Research 2021 10:26

    The Commentary to this article has been published in Israel Journal of Health Policy Research 2021 10:33

  8. Food labeling to encourage healthier food choices may have positive long-term effects. Yet previous studies point to challenges in terms of how consumers understand and use labeling information. The current st...

    Authors: Shosh Shahrabani
    Citation: Israel Journal of Health Policy Research 2021 10:25
  9. We planned an observational study to assess obstetric anesthesia services nationwide. We aimed to assess the effect of the anesthesia workload/workforce ratio on quality and safety outcomes of obstetric anesth...

    Authors: Gal Schtrechman-Levi, Alexander Ioscovich, Jacob Hart, Jacob Bar, Ronit Calderon-Margalit, Eshel A. Nir and Yehuda Ginosar
    Citation: Israel Journal of Health Policy Research 2021 10:24

    The Correction to this article has been published in Israel Journal of Health Policy Research 2021 10:30

  10. The Israeli National Health Insurance Law provides permanent residents with a basket of healthcare services through non-profit public health insurance plans, independently of the individual’s ability to pay. S...

    Authors: Royi Barnea, Adi Niv-Yagoda and Yossi Weiss
    Citation: Israel Journal of Health Policy Research 2021 10:23
  11. Patient centered care requires that health care organizations and health care professionals actively understand what patients value. Fortunately, there are methods for gaining that understanding. But, they nee...

    Authors: Susan Edgman-Levitan and Stephen C. Schoenbaum
    Citation: Israel Journal of Health Policy Research 2021 10:21

    The original article was published in Israel Journal of Health Policy Research 2020 9:58

    The original article was published in Israel Journal of Health Policy Research 2020 9:47

    The original article was published in Israel Journal of Health Policy Research 2020 9:39

    The original article was published in Israel Journal of Health Policy Research 2020 9:33

    The original article was published in Israel Journal of Health Policy Research 2020 9:7

    The original article was published in Israel Journal of Health Policy Research 2020 9:13

  12. Early, rapid, nationally orchestrated vaccine rollout has been a feature in the response to the global coronavirus pandemic in Israel and the UK, two countries with long established, universal socialised healt...

    Authors: Fiona Sim
    Citation: Israel Journal of Health Policy Research 2021 10:18

    The original article was published in Israel Journal of Health Policy Research 2021 10:6

  13. Excess all-cause mortality has been used in many countries as an estimate of mortality effects from COVID-19. What was the excess mortality in Israel in 2020 and when, where and for whom was this excess?

    Authors: Ziona Haklai, Miriam Aburbeh, Nehama Goldberger and Ethel-Sherry Gordon
    Citation: Israel Journal of Health Policy Research 2021 10:17
  14. The rapid rollout of Israel’s vaccination program has led to considerable international interest. In this brief commentary we consider how the criteria for vaccination priority groups differ between Israel and...

    Authors: Jonathan Cylus, Dimitra Panteli and Ewout van Ginneken
    Citation: Israel Journal of Health Policy Research 2021 10:16

    The original article was published in Israel Journal of Health Policy Research 2021 10:6

  15. Improving the quality of health care across a nation is complex and hard. Countries often rely on multiple single national level programmes to make progress. But the key is to use a framework to develop a bala...

    Authors: Jennifer Dixon
    Citation: Israel Journal of Health Policy Research 2021 10:15

    The original article was published in Israel Journal of Health Policy Research 2020 9:62

  16. When attempting to provide lessons for other countries from the successful Israeli COVID-19 vaccine experience, it is important to distinguish between the modifiable and non-modifiable components identified in...

    Authors: Gary L. Freed
    Citation: Israel Journal of Health Policy Research 2021 10:14

    The original article was published in Israel Journal of Health Policy Research 2021 10:6

  17. This commentary compares Israel’s COVID-10 vaccination response to the much slower and less successful vaccination campaign in Canada. Although Canada did start with some structural disadvantages relative to I...

    Authors: Gregory P. Marchildon
    Citation: Israel Journal of Health Policy Research 2021 10:12

    The Publisher Correction to this article has been published in Israel Journal of Health Policy Research 2021 10:20

    The original article was published in Israel Journal of Health Policy Research 2021 10:6

  18. Colorectal cancer leads to significant morbidity and mortality. Early detection and treatment are essential. Screening using fecal occult blood tests has increased significantly, but adherence to colonoscopy f...

    Authors: Revital Azulay, Liora Valinsky, Fabienne Hershkowitz, Einat Elran, Natan Lederman, Revital Kariv, Benjamin Braunstein and Anthony Heymann
    Citation: Israel Journal of Health Policy Research 2021 10:11
  19. Teaching medical students is a central part of being a doctor, and is essential for the training of the next generation of physicians and for maintaining the quality of medicine. Our research reviews the train...

    Authors: Simon Nothman, Michael Kaffman, Rachel Nave and Moshe Y. Flugelman
    Citation: Israel Journal of Health Policy Research 2021 10:10
  20. This commentary on Rosen, Waitzberg, and Israeli’s assessment of Israel’s COVID response points to differences in the coherence of each national government’s strategy as the key factor influencing the effectiv...

    Authors: Sherry Glied
    Citation: Israel Journal of Health Policy Research 2021 10:9

    The original article was published in Israel Journal of Health Policy Research 2021 10:6

  21. Emergency department overcrowding is associated with adverse clinical outcomes and poor patients and staff experience. Full capacity protocols enabling hallway boarding in internal wards are instituted to reli...

    Authors: Assaf Ben Shoham and Gabriel Munter
    Citation: Israel Journal of Health Policy Research 2021 10:8
  22. National Immunization Technical Advisory Groups (NITAGs) are defined by the World Health Organization as multidisciplinary groups of health experts who are involved in the development of a national immunizatio...

    Authors: Chen Stein-Zamir and Shmuel Rishpon
    Citation: Israel Journal of Health Policy Research 2021 10:7
  23. As of the end of 2020, the State of Israel, with a population of 9.3 million, had administered more COVID-19 vaccine doses than all countries aside from China, the US, and the UK. Moreover, Israel had administ...

    Authors: Bruce Rosen, Ruth Waitzberg and Avi Israeli
    Citation: Israel Journal of Health Policy Research 2021 10:6

    The Commentary to this article has been published in Israel Journal of Health Policy Research 2021 10:18

    The Commentary to this article has been published in Israel Journal of Health Policy Research 2021 10:14

    The Commentary to this article has been published in Israel Journal of Health Policy Research 2021 10:16

    The Commentary to this article has been published in Israel Journal of Health Policy Research 2021 10:12

    The Commentary to this article has been published in Israel Journal of Health Policy Research 2021 10:9

    The Commentary to this article has been published in Israel Journal of Health Policy Research 2021 10:5

  24. Israel has led the world in rolling out its COVID-19 vaccination program. This experience provides lessons that others can learn from. It is, however, necessary to consider some national specificities, includi...

    Authors: Martin McKee and Selina Rajan
    Citation: Israel Journal of Health Policy Research 2021 10:5

    The original article was published in Israel Journal of Health Policy Research 2021 10:6

  25. High and increasing drug prices have prompted the establishment of a broad range of cost-containment treatment policies in health systems globally. In 2012, the supplemental insurance program of a large Israel...

    Authors: Amir Rosenblatt, Igal Hekselman, Irit Rosenblatt, Idan Hekselman and Dan Gaton
    Citation: Israel Journal of Health Policy Research 2021 10:4
  26. Psychological distress is a problem strongly associated with socio-economic conditions. This study aims to assess rates of psychological distress and ‘poor’ self-rated health among Palestinian citizens of Isra...

    Authors: Mohammad Khatib, Ivonne Mansbach-Kleinfeld, Sarah Abu-Kaf, Anneke Ifrah and Ahmad Sheikh-Muhammad
    Citation: Israel Journal of Health Policy Research 2021 10:3
  27. Measles is a highly contagious disease. A 24 years old patient, recently exposed to measles (unvaccinated), presented in the emergency department with severe agitation, compatible with an acute psychotic episo...

    Authors: Chen Stein-Zamir, Nitza Abramson, Hagit Sonnenfeld-Alroey, Jacob Charnes, Dana Eckstein, Aryeh Dienstag, Dana Wolf, Allon E. Moses and Yoram G. Weiss
    Citation: Israel Journal of Health Policy Research 2021 10:2
  28. Passage of the National Health Insurance Law (NHIL) in 1995 marked a turning point in the history of the Israeli healthcare system, ensuring sustainable, high-quality medical care to all eligible Israeli resid...

    Authors: Yoel Angel, Adi Niv-Yagoda and Ronni Gamzu
    Citation: Israel Journal of Health Policy Research 2021 10:1
  29. The challenges wrought by the COVID-19 pandemic on health systems have tested primary care clinicians, who are on the front lines of care delivery. To ensure the longevity of the primary care workforce, strong...

    Authors: Erin E. Sullivan and Russell S. Phillips
    Citation: Israel Journal of Health Policy Research 2020 9:77
  30. In 2019, a conference in Israel showcased new frontiers in technology in healthcare, highlighting research conducted in Israel as well as across the globe. At the time, no one realized how critical—and ubiquit...

    Authors: Shira H. Fischer
    Citation: Israel Journal of Health Policy Research 2020 9:76
  31. The scientific literature, including several papers published in the IJHPR, has raised the issue of the spiraling cost of cancer treatment, including that of cancer drugs and other technologies such as gene an...

    Authors: Shuli Brammli Greenberg, Einat Dotan and Rachel Arazi
    Citation: Israel Journal of Health Policy Research 2020 9:69
  32. Ethnic disparities have been associated with injury and mortality. The impact of ethnicity on head and neck injury (HNI), traumatic brain injury (TBI), in-hospital mortality and resource utilization following ...

    Authors: Irit Cohen-Manheim, Irina Radomislensky, Maya Siman-Tov and Kobi Peleg
    Citation: Israel Journal of Health Policy Research 2020 9:75
  33. As 2020 comes to a close, the Israel Journal of Health Policy Research (IJHPR) will soon be starting its tenth year of publication. This editorial compares data from 2012 (the journal’s first year of publication)...

    Authors: Bruce Rosen, Stephen C. Schoenbaum and Avi Israeli
    Citation: Israel Journal of Health Policy Research 2020 9:74
  34. Communication between health authorities and healthcare providers is an essential element of the response to public health emergencies. Although call centers can facilitate such communication, no published rep...

    Authors: Aharona Glatman-Freedman, Michal Bromberg, Amit Ram, Miri Lutski, Ravit Bassal, Olga Michailevich, Mor Saban, Dvora Frankental, Rita Dichtiar, Anna Kruglikov-Moldavsky, Violetta Rozani, Dolev Karolinsky, Tali Braun, Inbar Zuker, Lital Keinan-Boker and Barbara G. Silverman
    Citation: Israel Journal of Health Policy Research 2020 9:73
  35. Anemia is common during pregnancy and the puerperium. The association of ethnicity as well as other characteristics with anemia and compliance with healthcare recommendations has not been studied sufficiently ...

    Authors: Enav Yefet, Avishag Yossef, Manal Massalha, Abeer Suleiman, Aliza Hatokay, Moria Kamhine-Yefet and Zohar Nachum
    Citation: Israel Journal of Health Policy Research 2020 9:71
  36. Legislation and accreditation standards both address patients’ rights. The two approaches differ in important ways; they should not be seen as competing but as complementing efforts. Laws define minimum standa...

    Authors: Carsten Engel
    Citation: Israel Journal of Health Policy Research 2020 9:70

    The original article was published in Israel Journal of Health Policy Research 2020 9:47

  37. In a recent issue of this Journal, Politzer, Shmueli, and Avni estimate the economic costs of health disparities due to socioeconomic status (SES) in Israel (Politzer et al., Isr J Health Policy Res 8: 46, 2019)....

    Authors: J. Travis Donahoe and Thomas G. McGuire
    Citation: Israel Journal of Health Policy Research 2020 9:68

    The original article was published in Israel Journal of Health Policy Research 2019 8:46

  38. The Israeli health system is facing high workloads with average occupancy in certain hospital wards of around 100%. Since there is a shortage of hospitalization beds in institutions for continuous, long-term c...

    Authors: Gidon Berger, Danny Epstein, Meital Rozen, Avigdor Miskin, Michael Halberthal and Michal Mekel
    Citation: Israel Journal of Health Policy Research 2020 9:66
  39. COVID-19, the illness caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus, has reached pandemic proportions. Although the virus can cause disease in anyone, it is particularly dangerous for those with various “co-morbidities” such...

    Authors: A. Mark Clarfield and Alan Jotkowitz
    Citation: Israel Journal of Health Policy Research 2020 9:64
  40. Despite relatively high rates of Postpartum Depression (PPD), little is known about the granting of social security benefits to women who are disabled as a result of PPD or of other postpartum mood and anxiety...

    Authors: Bella Savitsky, Irina Radomislensky, Zhanna Frid, Natalia Gitelson, Saralee Glasser and Tova Hendel
    Citation: Israel Journal of Health Policy Research 2020 9:63
  41. The quality of healthcare in Israel is considered “high”, and this achievement is due to the structure and organization of the healthcare system. The goal of the present review is to describe the major achieve...

    Authors: Dalia Dreiher, Olga Blagorazumnaya, Ran Balicer and Jacob Dreiher
    Citation: Israel Journal of Health Policy Research 2020 9:62

    The Commentary to this article has been published in Israel Journal of Health Policy Research 2021 10:15

  42. Israel hosts nearly 70,000 migrant careworkers. Migrant careworkers work and live with populations extremely vulnerable to the novel Coronavirus, including the elderly and people with pre-existing physical con...

    Authors: Jordan Hannink Attal, Ido Lurie and Yehuda Neumark
    Citation: Israel Journal of Health Policy Research 2020 9:61
  43. This retrospective study compared perioperative measures, costs, quality of life and survival after open vs. robotic surgery, among obese women diagnosed with low-grade endometrial cancer.

    Authors: Adi Sofer, Racheli Magnezi, Ram Eitan, Oded Raban, Orna Tal, Noam Smorgic and Zvi Vaknin
    Citation: Israel Journal of Health Policy Research 2020 9:60
  44. Israel ranks very high globally in performing bariatric surgery (BS) per capita. In the first phase of the COVID-19 pandemic the bariatric surgeons’ community faced many concerns and challenges, especially in ...

    Authors: Nahum Beglaibter, Orly Zelekha, Lital Keinan-Boker, Nasser Sakran and Ahmad Mahajna
    Citation: Israel Journal of Health Policy Research 2020 9:59